Introduction to Webpages

The Basics

To make a web page (or web site) you need three things.        

  1. A program to make web pages---we'll use Word2000
  2. A spot on the Internet to put your web pages--we'll use Tripod.
  3. Some way to transfer your web pages from your computer to your space on the Internet--we'll use WS-FTP LE (a free program for schools)

We have used Word2000 to make simple and advanced word processing documents--when Word is used to make web pages some Word options will not be available.  In the beginning we will want to keep it simple.  (KISS)

File Names                                                                                                
When you save follow these rules

These rules will save you hours of headaches.


Saving a Web page file using Word2000                                             

There are three things to consider.  

Save in:  should read your "my web page" folder

File name:  no caps or spaces---keep file names simple

Save as type:  Web Page


Note:  Notice the Change Title button. The page title is the words in the title bar of the browser window.  The title of my class web page is "Mr. Martin's room 304 Website".



Now, how do I add Pics?