
In this document you'll learn to make two types of diagrams.

They'll look something like this in the end.


Here's how:

The Family Tree first.

  1. Insert, Diagram, Organization Chart
  2. Select the top box in the chart. On the Organization Chart toolbar click the triangle next to Insert Shape . Click Assistant. Repeat so you have two.
  3. Label the top box "Last Name Family Tree"
  4. Label the two boxes in the second row with the parent names.
  5. Label the boxes in the third row with the children's names.
  6. Choose a nice looking, easy to read font.
  7. Change the coloring of the shapes. Use the fill tool (paint bucket) on the Drawing Toolbar.

The Time Spent Pyramid

  1. Insert, Diagram, Pyramid Diagram
  2. Insert Shape until you have five sections to your pyramid.
  3. Type a heading for your pyramid.
  4. Label the pyramid sections....the bottom most section represents the biggest amount.
  5. Change the colors of the sections.