1) Copy the text from the box below and
paste it into a new Google Doc.
2) Change to a standard font for a report: 12 point size,
3) Make the titles stand out. There
are eight titles throughout this document:
- Introduction
- Basic Economic Concepts
- Supply, Demand and Equilibrium
- Laissez-faire and Pricing
- Elasticity
- Types of Markets
- IndustrializationTechnology and The Transformation
of the Economy
- Measuring the Economy
Here's How:
(a) Make the titles all uppercase. To do this
select the word, then choose Format, Text, Capitilization, UPPERCASE.
(b) Make the titles bold too.
(c) Choose Arial, 16 point.
(d) I'd recommend using the format painter.
4) Double space the entire document.
Change the line spacing on the whole document to double. The long quote
you just indented should remain single spaced.
5) Indent the long quote on both sides.
There's a long quote that begins with "In manufacturing..."
and ends with "...p. 94)."
Here's How:
(a) Use Edit>Find and type In manu
(b) Select the text from "In manufacturing..." to "p. 94)"
Make sure the ruler is turned
on. View, Show Ruler is checkmarked.
Move the blue markers on the ruler a 1/2" inwards
on each side.
6) Make the margins Top/Bottom 1.5", Right/Left 1"
7) Add an image to the middle
of the first
paragraph with wrapping.
Here's How:
(a) Find a picture about economics and paste it into the first paragraph.
(b) Click the picture and choose wrapping.
8). Add a watermarked clipart
to the second page
Here's How:
- Find a pic to paste in and size it quite large.
- Image options
- Adjust brightness, contrast and transparency to make it washed
- Put it behind the text.
9) Add page numbers at the bottom
of the pages, in the center.
Here's How:
(a) Format, Page numbers
(b) Select footer.
(c) Go to the footer and add the word Page in front of the number.
All pages should have "Page 4" at the bottom (the 4 will be the actual
page number)
10) Add
a header to the top right that contains your first and last name (on
each page)
Here's How:
(a) Format, Headers and Footers
(b) Type your name in the Header. Aligh to the right.