Your autobiography should contain (at least) the following
- The basic facts of your birth (when, where, …)
- One or two of your earliest memories - give the whole story
surrounding the memory; the more details the more interesting it is.
- One of the first "lessons" you learned - or
something important that you learned. (Like, I learned not to touch hot
things when, …)
Of course, feel free to add as much as you want onto the above
guidelines - after all, this is your story!
To continue giving you practice in MS Word and doing it while
you write about something that you love - yourself!
However you want! I encourage you to pay attention to the look of the document -
think about adding pictures (you could even draw your own), colors, backgrounds,
word art, ….
15 points - 10 points for content, 5 points for look.
- Double space
- Arial or Courier, 12 pt
- WordArt or a large font for heading.
- Use pictures or clipart as appropriate
- Name, class & hour at top, aligned to the right
- You may use bold to emphasize various words, but
don't bold whole paragraphs.