(A) Start Flash (Start>Run>Flash)
(B) Layer 1
- Type your text into the first keyframe
- Use black pointer arrow, right click text box and Convert to Symbol
- Move 40 frames down and insert keyframe (F6)
- Make sure your new keyframe is still selected, right-click your text>scale
and make the text huge
- With your text still selected, in the properties window, switch the
Color to alpha and move to 0%.
- Right click anywhere between your two keyframes in this layer, "Create
Motion Tween".
- In your first keyframe, scale your text very small
(C) Insert a new layer. ( Insert>Layer)
- Layer 2 start in frame 20 (ie. insert keyframe at 20)
- Layer 3 start at frame 40.
- Repeat steps 1-7 for layer 2 and 3.
Your layers should look like this:
Note: In this case, empty keyframes in frame one of layer 2 & 3 are