Playable DVD
(1) Is your video done and rendered?
(2) Open DVD Architect Studio
(3) Format your DVD main page.
- Choose a video background
- Background can be a texture made in Fireworks (4:3 ratio W:H) - make
it in Fireworks.
- Background can be a picture
- Background can be a video clip (a short one). Some can be found on the
L: drive, mrmartin, video loops
- Choose an audio background if desired.
- Type your heading in DVD Architect or create a nice text graphic in Fireworks.
- Insert your video. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the background,
Insert Media.
- In the object properties window on the right, find an interesting frame
of your video to be shown on the main page.
- Your video's subtitle should probably read "Play"
- Double click your video -and insert your chapters.
- Prepare your DVD.
(4) Make a DVD label