Site Setup

Part 1 - Create folders necessary for your website

  • Create local folder
    1. My Computer > H: drive
    2. Create local folder - named local (right click>new>folder)
    3. You must name the folder local. All files that will be a part of your website will go into this folder: htm files, picture files, audio files, flash SWF files.
    4. Drag files you might use into this new local folder.
      1. You made name graphics in Fireworks during the first few weeks of this course.
      2. You made several Flash animations. If you'd like to use one, drag it into the local folder.
    5. You can only use Flash movies on your webpage. Flash movies have a silver icon like this: . Your actual Flash file has a red icon like this:
  • Create remote folder
    1. Create a folder called remote within your home drive.
    2. Right click the folder. Properties
    3. Security
    4. Add
    5. Everyone
    6. Done





Part 2 - Configure Dreamweaver to know about your two folders

In the files window, click Define a Site

Set up your local info:

Set up your remote info:






Part 3 - Publish your site

To publish your entire site (all your files) select your site and push the blue upward pointing arrow.




To publish a single file, select the file and push the blue up arrow.