Favorite Websites Page

In this document you will select 5 of your favorite websites and create a favorites link page.

(1) Start a new Google Doc.

(2) Make a two column table. Six rows.

(3) Merge the two cells in the top row. This is where you'll put your text heading. Make a nice text heading using Photopea or http://cooltext.com

Each row will be about one of your favorite websites. Two columns and two pieces of information

  • Logo/picture that represents the website, which will be a link to the website.
  • Short typed description of the website. What makes it cool. What type of stuff will you find at this website. etc.
    • Use complete sentences.
    • Correct use of capital letters.

(4) The Logo : Some will be very easy and you can simply copy/paste, like the graphic from Google's main page. Some you will have to get like this: Open the snipping tool. WIN+SHIFT+S

(5) The link: Select the logo and click hyperlink icon from the Docs toolbar.

(6) Put your name in the header, aligned to the right.

Your final product should look something like this. It's just a screenshot so the links don't work.