
In this project you will get more experience using keyframes in the Event Pan/Crop window.

(1) Put a close up picture of a face on a video track. Make certain to get a picture that's at least 100k.

(2) Using keyframes in Event Pan/Crop you will zoom in on the

Start on the normal view of the face. Zoom in on one element, hold for one second, then zoom back out to the full face. Hold one second on full face. Repeat.

Before we start zooming, let's hold the full face for a second. Put a keyframe where indicated by the yellow circle.....note that the time at that point is 01:06 (one second, 6 frames).
Now add a keyframe a short distance down, and zoom in on the eye.
Add another keyframe to pause on the zoomed in shot for a moment.

Add another keyframe (blue circle) and come back to the full face.

Add another keyframe at the star to pause on the face for a short bit before the next zoom.

Repeat this process of holding and zooming for the other eye, nose and mouth.

Render as WMV 100kbps and send.