(A) Start Flash (Start>Run>Flash)

(B) Layer 1

  1. Type your text into the first keyframe
  2. Use black pointer arrow, right click text box and Convert to Symbol (F8)
  3. Move 40 frames down and insert keyframe (F6)
  4. Make sure your new keyframe is still selected, right-click your text>scale and make the text huge
  5. With your text still selected, in the properties window, switch the Color to alpha and move to 0%.
  6. Right click anywhere between your two keyframes in this layer, "Create Motion Tween".
  7. In your first keyframe, scale your text very small

(C) Insert a new layer. ( Insert>Layer)

  • Layer 2 start in frame 20 (ie. insert keyframe at 20)
  • Layer 3 start at frame 40.
  • Repeat steps 1-7 for layer 2 and 3.

Your layers should look like this:

Note: In this case, empty keyframes in frame one of layer 2 & 3 are OK!