(1) Start Fireworks

(2) New Document.  Canvas size 500 pixels x 500 pixels, resolution 96 pixels per inch.  Canvas color transparent.

(3) You now have a 500x500 canvas to work on.  

(4) In the vector portion of the toolbox, select the Text tool.  Use the property explorer to set your font.  You need to use a thick font for this project.  Set the font size to 60.  Select a light color, because we'll give it a dark border.  Type your name.  

(5) Now we'll add the text  border - black.

The edge tool (pencil) has a box with red line through it, change it to black.  In the stroke options, set the tip size to 3.

(6) Give your text a shadow.  Click the Effects button. Choose Shadow & Glow > Drop Shadow

(7) Resize Canvas to fit your text.  Modify > Canvas > Fit Canvas

(8) Save.  Save As > H drive > File Name: Solid Color Text Fill

(9) Send to me as an email attachment.