Survey--practice with graphs

Note: none of this project will be turned in through email.  You will turn in the printed out copy of your surveys and graphs.

In this project you'll have the chance to design a survey and show the results of that survey in graph form. 

Step 1: Create the survey.

Create a 10 question survey on a particular topic.  Example topics:  Romance  & Friendship, Sexton High School, Sports, Cars.

Try to ask questions that will get a small range of answers.

  • If you ask this question "Who do you admire the most?", everyone you survey will likely answer differently. 
  • If you ask this question "Who do you admire more Bill Clinton or Mr. Martin?", you'll only have two answers.

Create the survey in Word using tables.

Step 2: Administer the survey.

Print your survey and use the printout to survey at least 15 people.


Step 3: Create the spreadsheet & graphs.

Use either column or pie graphs. 


Enter this data into Excel and run the chart wizard...

Bill Clinton 5
Mr. Martin 12 get this chart.



Step 4:  Print your 10 graphs.  

 Make sure that the question is on the actual graph.  No legends.  No handwriting on your printed pages (this is computer class after all).

 What program should you use to print out your graphs?  Excel, Word, PowerPoint?????

You should be able to print about 5 graphs per page....therefore 2 pages printout.

Step 5:  Turn in your work

Turn in the paper copy of the survey that you administered to your friends.  Turn in all of your graphs.