Filling Practice

(1) Open your filling practice in Google Classroom

(2) Fill colunm A with the number 1 down to row 10,000

(3) Fill column B with the days of the week (Monday-Sunday repeating) to row 10,000

(4) Fill column C with the months of the year down to row 10,000

(5) Fill column D with Bill Ted Bill Ted Bill Ted.....down to row 10,00

(6) Fill column E with 1 2 3 4 5 ..... down to row 10,000

(7) Fill column F with 2 4 6 8 10.... down to row 10,000

(8) Fill column G with 2 3 4 5 6........ down to row 10,000

(9) Fill column I with the weekdays (no Saturday or Sunday) down to row 10,000

(10) Fill column J with consecutive days starting with today's date down to row 10,000

(11) Fill column K with the 15th of each month (starting with next month) down to row 10,000