Digital Cameras & Scanners

The first thing you should understand is how to connect your device to the computer.  I recommend that you use the USB interface if possible.  The parallel & serial connections are more difficult to use.  

Throw your instructions and any disks that came with the camera in the trash--you won't need them and they might confuse you.  (just kidding)

You must always keep track of the CD that comes with your scanner or camera.  

Connecting the Camera/Scanner.  Read your directions carefully.  Cameras & scanners that use serial or parallel connections might need to be connected before you turn on the computer.
This is the back of a TTI laptop.
This is also the back of a TTI laptop.  There is only one available USB port.

The monitor port looks similar (but opposite) to the serial port.

This is the back of my desktop computer.  All of the ports are near each other.  There are two serial, two USB and one parallel.

The parallel port is where you commonly connect a printer.  If you use a printer AND a parallel scanner on the same computer, you usually connect the scanner to the computer, and the printer connects to the back of the scanner.

Using the camera

Using the camera is similar to using a regular camera.  Each camera has different controls that you will need to explore.  

Many cameras have a little monitor that you can use  

(1) to view pictures you have already taken

(2) while taking pictures

Getting pictures from the camera to the computer
If you are using a Sony Mavica, you'll have an easy time----it uses a floppy disk.  Simply take your pictures, take floppy disk to your computer and copy the pictures from the A: drive to the C: drive.
If you have a camera with USB connection, as soon as you connect your camera and turn it on, your software should start.

Follow on screen prompts.

If you choose Unload Camera on this menu, you will be asked where you want the pictures to go on your hard drive.

Using the scanner.
Once you have installed the software that came with your scanner and connect the scanner to the computer, you have several different options.

The scanner might have a program to access the scanner--Scangear toolbox, PaperPort, etc.

You can import into your favorite picture editing program like Imaging, Photodraw, PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, ect.  You'll usually look for the word acquire.