Start Inventor If you see more than one, we're using Inventor 2015
The icon is an orange, capital I with the word pro below.
* Make sure you're logged in as yourself or you won't have anywhere to save this when you're done.
It'll take a minute or two to load. You'll get used to this load screen. | |
Get ready to make something.
You may see this menu (above) Or you can press the Ipro button (orange) which is in the upper left corner (where "File" is in most programs). We wil almost always be making PARTS. (STANDARD .IPT) |
The browser (circled in green) will be pretty important, you shouldn't close it, but if you do here's how to get it back. VIEW, USER INTERFACE, BROWSER. The work area is empty and we will always start with a 2D Sketch (circled in blue) |
AFter you click 2D Sketch you'll have the three planes to
choose from. I'll ususally pick the XY for now.
Let's make shape #3 from Activity 2.4 |
METHOD 1: We'll use the line tool to draw the L shaped front Press escape when you're done drawing your L shaped front (to deselect the line tool). It's ok if your L shape is crooked. |
Now we'll make the L the right dimensions. Press the D button on the keyboard or the Set the dimensions of the sides. Start with the two longest sides first. |
Switch to the 3D model tabl and click Extrude. Change it to 5" and press ok.
Time to save on hour H: drive. |
Save in your H: drive with the name 2.4_part3 | |
METHOD 2: Make the left side rectangle, extrude it. Then sketch the small bottom rectangle and extrude it 2 inches. (remember, in order to extrude click 3D Model in the upper left, then you'll see the extrude button) |
Right click on the big face of the rectangle, choose "New Sketch" and draw a two inch rectangle across the bottom. Extrude it out 7"
Save in your H: drive with the name 2.4_part3_#2 |
METHOD 3: Make a 9"x7" rectangle and extrude it 5" | ____ |
Right click the fron and "new sketch". Draw a 5" x 7" rectangle across the top of it. (hint start a the upper right corner) Extrude cut it 5" (circled in blue).
Save in your H: drive with the name 2.4_part3_#3 |